Month: July 2011

Typical Ames


I’ve heard it said that the average man uses only 20,000 words a day, while the average woman uses 60,000 words a day (though a Google search produced websites that say this may be more parable than verified scientific fact). I don’t know how many words a day I typically […]

At Home, deClutter, Journal

The Move: Status Update

My family will probably be arriving in Charlottesville a week from today to help me pack up my belongings and move them to storage until I figure out where I land after the bar. Hard to believe that in less than 10 days I will no longer be living in […]


But-For Cause

I am in the midst of bar review. And it’s intense. Recently I was reviewing for torts. For those who don’t know the law, the best way to describe a tort is to consider it an injury, whether to your person, your property, your reputation, or your mind. There are […]