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Journal, Typical Ames

Happy Birthday Duke

While “surfing” the world wide web today, I stumbled across Google’s tribute doodle for Duke Kahanamoku’s 125th birthday. Seeing this did not help reduce the desire to return to the Aloha state that I’ve had for the last several…days? weeks? months? ever minute since we left? Thank goodness for pictures, though, that can […]

Amusements, Food

The Search for General Tso

When we finished with the rehearsal for Rachel’s wedding last November, the party headed out for the dinner at NBC Seafood Company in Pasadena. Just looking at the name of the restaurant on the wedding weekend time line, I assumed that it was some sort of fish and seafood restaurant. […]

Journal, Typical Ames

The Lawyer’s Husband

One of the unexpected developments of my life was marrying a pastor. I have many friends who are pastors, but I didn’t anticipate that my life’s journey would join with a gospel minister. One of the things I feared before Mo and I got married was the label “pastor’s wife.” […]

© 2015 EDGE Photography
Journal, Typical Ames

Dad’s Day and Half Way

Much to my mother’s chagrin, I often view some of the holidays on our calendar not as legit, but as Hallmark Holidays, ones that different businesses hype up to guilt consumers into buying things they otherwise might not. This year, though, it’s hard to look at Father’s Day that way. […]