
I’ve heard it said that the average man uses only 20,000 words a day, while the average woman uses 60,000 words a day (though a Google search produced websites that say this may be more parable than verified scientific fact). I don’t know how many words a day I typically use, but I know that I have not been getting them out as much over the last few weeks.

I wake up and study all morning, take a break for lunch (sometimes with friends, sometimes solitary), and then get back to work all afternoon, usually make a trip to the gym, come back home, study some more, and by ten o’clock I’m in the kitchen looking for a snack (don’t judge me, desperate times). This is usually when I run into an unexpecting roommate or the phone rings from a dear friend, and all of the words that I haven’t used all day just start pouring out. It’s like I seriously can’t stop talking.

But really, who can use all 60,000, or 7,000, or however many words a day I use in just two hours? I know I’m known for talking fast (listening to me speak when I’m excited has been likened to trying to take a drink from a fire hydrant), but even I can’t use all of those words up. (Maybe that’s why I’m blogging more recently?!)

And that’s when rollover happens. Unused words accumulating in my mind, just waiting to be said (unfortunately many pertaining to the reasonably prudent person or negotiable instruments). Day after day, until Sabbath. Then I finally get to rest….and use up my words.

Having fellowship on Sabbath is definitely a relief and a release, and I praise the Lord for it. I think it’s the thing that truly keeps me afloat during the rest of the week. But I also think the last couple of Sabbaths, even with great fellowship, I had not used up my rollover wordage. But this weekend I think I may have finally broke the bank.

Friday, I arrived in Boston and just started gabbing as soon as I ran into Erica. As I kept talking instead of falling asleep on Friday night, Erica fell asleep and Josephine listened patiently, and I came to a clearer understanding of rollover and this whole experience I’ve just been describing.

Then the next day, in Boston for our good friend Sebastien’s wedding, I ran into a high school friend who is currently in law school at Harvard, and we talked for over an hour. Then some GYC people wanted to meet and talk about new and ongoing projects. Then I spent some time with other friends, talking and lauging. Then getting ready for the wedding? More talking, and lots more laughing. Reception: talking, talking, talking, talking, talking.

Naturally an introvert, I usually do not like talking that much. But sure enough, my fire hydrant speed kept up until probably 11 p.m. last night. And I enjoyed it. My social deprivation over the last several weeks was being cured.

Now, back in Charlottesville and in the books, my voice is actually kind of hoarse, my throat a little sore (I hope it’s from over talking and not getting sick…the Bar is in 9 days!). I may have accumulated a few more rollover words, after waking up at 5:15 a.m. and spending the day flying and studying, but I don’t have the bank I used to. Honestly, I feel refreshed. Spending time talking, laughing, was definitely time well spent. It may just get me through this last week and a half.

And I think that’s about all of the words I’ll use on this.

Over and out.

One Comment

  1. I actually read this post double speed! haha. Love it when you talk a lot though, seriously – it’s never dull!